30 Second Therapy
for Becoming A Happier Person
Dr. Bob, the Happiness Coach
"You have 30 seconds to get this. All you have to do is to face the truth and then wake yourself up.
Instead of blaming others for your problems, take responsibility for creating them yourself.
Instead of thinking you’re helpless to solve those problems, get into action to solve them now.
Instead of believing the negative thoughts you have about yourself are true, make up positive thoughts to replace them.
Instead of envying others for what they have, appreciate what you already have.
Instead of thinking about your problems all the time, do something for someone who has bigger problems than you do.
Now, wake up and change your life. That's it."
The 30 Second Therapy is adapted from Why Am I So DAMN Unhappy? Click
here to buy the book at
Amazon.com. Under books, search for the title: Why Am I So DAMN Unhappy?